Tuesday, June 28, 2011

365 Blog-Day 119

Major dork picture! haha Yes, that's right. I set up my self-timer on my camera and took a picture of myself at about 7 in the morning on my first day of fieldwork. I was about to head out the door and wanted to capture this moment. I was full of so many thoughts-fears, anxieties, excitements, etc. I've never been so overwhelmed in one day before! There was so much information that I was given and had to retrieve from the cobwebs that had grown in my head in the last month and a half. My CI (clinical instructor) is really awesome. She's super fast paced and keeps me on my toes, but I think it's really going to help me gain some confidence. She already had me writing out notes on our patients today. I also spent a lot of time doing orientation training on the computer, but I can already tell that this place is going to be really awesome and I'm going to learn so much. I'm going to have to completely rework my sleeping schedule too. With getting up at 5AM, I'm gonna have to go to bed around 10:30 or 10:45. I HAVE to get my sleep. It is one of my favorite things to do :) We'll see how I do.

1 comment:

Mary Kay said...

Love this picture! You look ready to go! I am so glad the first day went so well and your supervisor sounds great!!! I am so glad to hear that! You will be such a blessing to her as well...I know that from experience! Love you girl!