Saturday, June 25, 2011

365 Blog-Day 110

Melinda had a bridal brunch this morning, followed by a drive to Eastland to set up for the wedding. It was a memorable wedding for sure since it took place in the pouring rain after a hot day! At least it cooled things off! Only Lane and Melinda could pull something off like that! God helped a bit by putting up a double rainbow after the wedding and providing the sound of thunder and the sight of lighting in the sky as a backdrop for pictures and the wedding. It was really one of the most unique and special weddings I've ever been a part of. We had so much fun walking down the aisle in the rain and huddling together. One guy even broke out into an acapella song as Melinda walked down the aisle. It stopped raining in time for the reception and the food was catered by Abuelo's, so it was pretty great! There was a fun band with dancing too! It ended up being pretty comfortable outside and everyone dried off just fine. What an unforgettable day!

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