Tuesday, March 22, 2011

365 Blog-Day 21

So, last night I decided to go through some of the paperwork in my room, but only accomplished making a bunch of different piles. I got tired and decided to go to bed, but hated to leave all of the piles out on my floor. As I was going to sleep I was thinking about how Kay Lee and Courtney's visit went by too quickly and how I wished they were still here. So, these two things are what I was thinking about as my head hit the pillow. For those of you who know me well, you know that this usually means that somehow I'm going to combine the two and have a pretty crazy dream. Well, you are right! I dreamed that Kay Lee and Courtney were still staying with me, but that I decided to go to bed before them. So, in my dream, I woke up and couldn't find them and was worried that I was taking up too much room in the bed and hadn't left room for them on the floor with all of my paperwork spread out. I panicked and started tearing through my sheets. (At this point I started sleepwalking and really did mess up my sheets and switch out pillows in the meantime.) Then, I got out of bed and looked around my room and was trying to decide how to organize my piles. Then, I went into the living room to look for them and didn't see them and got scared that they might have left. So, I went to the window and looked out the blinds for them. (This is when I woke up. I think the wind was so loud that it woke me up when I was at the window. I'm just thankful that I had 2 locks on the door. Otherwise, I might have gone to look for them even farther. HA! I looked at the clock and it was 4:30AM, so I just went back to my room and crashed again!) I love being a weird dreamer, sleepwalker, and sleeptalker. Courtney told me that I talked in my sleep when she was here. I wish I could record myself sometime. I think it would be really interesting. Here is the view of what I woke up to at 4:30. I didn't take a picture at that point, but realized this morning that I'm really going to miss this place. I love having coffee and reading on my porch. :)

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