Wednesday, May 25, 2011

365 Blog-Day 86

Tonight was Nichole's last night to teach her testimony class at Highland. She was nice enough to let me come for the 9th and final Wednesday night class for a party. She made a slideshow with pictures from throughout the semester. There was cake and punch and lots of stories shared from women whose lives are now different thanks to the opportunities that this class gave them to share with each other and support each other. It was so neat to see the impact that she has on others. I met Nichole in 2nd grade at Highland and we have been the best of friends ever since. I guess it's been 17 years that we've known each other. She is a huge part of the reason I wanted to go to OT school. For those of you who don't know her, she has cerebral palsy, but she doesn't let that stop her or slow her down. I knew that she had the potential to do a lot with her life and she has. She volunteers at Freedom Fellowship church during their summer musical and had a dream to start this class about a year ago and has followed that dream through. She met with ministers and prayed for months before they ever met. I really am proud of who she is and the woman of God she has become. I love you Nichole.

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