Sunday, May 8, 2011

365 Blog-Day 66

Sarahs (Sarah and Sarah Beth) Birthday Bash! Cinco de Mayo in Flower Mound. We went to Agave Azul and had amazing mexican food to celebrate. Stayed with Sarah Beth and Bella (her boxer). It was another last--last Panera breakfast with Cinnamon Crunch Bagel and Hazelnut coffee. I'm not a crier, but when Sarah Beth exited off of 635 I fought back tears the whole way to school. God really has blessed our friendship. There is just something about it that we have been completely ourselves from day one.


Mary Kay said...

Have we ever talked about that we have the same favorite meal at Panera...I LOVE that bagel and the Hazelnut Coffee! Hmm...imagine is also Ashley's!!! Love your daily post!!! Love ya girl. Hope the packing is going good!!!

Brianna Allen said...

Looks like we could survive if all 3 of us only had Panera and Jason's Deli! haha :) That does not surprise me at all! Love that we think alike MK