Monday, April 25, 2011

365 Blog-Day 55

Went to Highland this morning and heard Jonathan Storment speak and Val Durington sing "Arise My Love" and got goose bumps as usual. Ran into a bunch of friends at church and got to catch up a bit. Loved carpooling with the Kollie kids and getting those sweet hugs from my "brothers and sisters". Mariama always has a way to pull at my heart strings when she just reaches over and grabs my hand to hold and looks at me with those big eyes.

After church, I did a bit of homework while everyone else got Easter lunch ready-I guess homework isn't all that bad when you get out of cooking. haha Easter lunch consisted of ham, veggies, rolls, mac and cheese, green marshmallow salad (family favorite), raspberry tea, and strawberry angel food cake. Yum!
An Easter egg hunt took place with Katy's boyfriend James' kids (Hannah, Brittany, and JJ). It's fun having a younger crew to really enjoy this part. I had fun making sure they didn't miss any. The afternoon consisted of checking the weather to update the tornado warnings, watching the rain and hail, playing original Nintendo games that I gave Maegan and Caleb as their wedding gift, watching the Ranger's game, watching P.S. I Love You, and napping off and on. I finally got off the couch and drove home, but had quite a lovely day-so glad I came home-even if it was just for the day.

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