Monday, April 25, 2011

365 Blog-Day 54

Kay Lee and I slept in this morning, which was wonderful. Then, we went to Buzzbrews for brunch and all you can drink coffee. After brunch Kay Lee and I parted our ways as she headed off to The Ranger's game with The Morris' and I headed off to Mo's bridal shower with Katie. It was a delicious cookout at Mo's dad's house including all her family friends and school friends. We went to the Easter service at The Village and then had an Easter egg hunt, hopping contest, and egg decorating party. You're never too old to have a little fun--right?! :)
After the party, I decided to drive home to surprise the family for Easter! I didn't get home until midnight, but it was worth it to see the look on mom's face! I had spilled the beans to dad just to make sure it would work out, but he had kept the secret from everyone else. When I walked in the door, mom poked her head around the corner of the hall and said, "I haven't gone to bed yet just FYI" and I said, "um...ok...Happy Easter..." and then her eyes got really big and she said, "BRIANNA!!???" (She thought I was Katy walking in the front door) haha What a fun surprise! Katy came out of her room super confused at all the ruckus and then saw me and was like, "What?! What are you doing here?" Dad just stood back and enjoyed it all. It was so nice to sleep in my bed and know I was home for Easter.

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