Sunday, April 10, 2011

365 Blog-Day 41

Today was my last day at the VCC (Village Country Club) Fitness Center. I have worked here every Sunday from 2-7PM for the last 2 years. This is my friend Arturo, who I met in the very beginning. He used to help me clean up the tennis courts at closing and still helps me close down the gym and pick up and clean up all the weights. He is a servant-minded, selfless worker. He has taught me a lot and I've enjoyed learning some Spanish from him. It has actually come in handy a couple of times when a patient on my fieldwork at school only spoke Spanish and was telling me that her shoulder was hurting. I knew what she was talking about and told my CI that she was having pain with her subluxed shoulder due to her CVA. Thanks Arturo.
Marci, Michael, and I got donuts for breakfast and then Marci and I went on a walk around The Village this morning. The weather has been beautiful lately! Michael made tacos and Marci made guac, so dinner was incredible. Then, we got to chat it up with Courtney on Skype and start planning out our trip to Seattle this summer. We're getting excited.

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