Sunday, August 21, 2011

365 Blog-Day 174

This is kind of a funny picture, because we ended up not even eating at this restaurant. haha The line was too long and the booths were small, so we went next door and ate at Fancy That. It was pricey, but tasty. We were glad just to eat because we slept in and didn't get out to brunch until 12.

Anywho, here's a sibling picture.
Here's a pic of the OK visitors :)
It was so so so wonderful to have them here this weekend. I really needed a family fix and it did the trick! I'm hoping I can somehow make it through the next 4 weeks! I just love these guys and the encouragement that they bring me and the laughs that we share. We were literally laughing the whole weekend-rather that be at my navigation skills or at quotes from Big Bang Theory that Caleb and I kept popping out. I can't wait to see them all again in 2 weeks and then in 2 weeks after that! What a blessing!

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